PERFORMANCE TESTING: Making your building Energy Efficient

verification with performance testing

Energy star verification


Recent analysis  of new commercial buildings reveals a great many sources of energy consumption. Although appliances, lighting, and water heating combined are significant energy drains.  It’s easy to see that space heating is by far the single most impactful input.

Improvements in energy consumption can be made with advanced energy efficient HVAC equipment, but the most cost effective and immediate solution is to focus on a properly installed air barrier.

The National Institute of Standards and Technology released a study, “Investigation of the Impact of Commercial Building Envelope Airtightness on HVAC Energy Use”, claiming that air barriers installed in commercial and industrial buildings are estimated to reduce air leakage by up to 83%, save on gas bills by more than 40%, and cut down on electrical consumption by as much as 25%.

Considering that heating and cooling is 41% of the energy used in a building, reducing the energy use by 40% or more is a significant data point. 

Benefits of Performance Testing

Many advanced state building codes now require Air Barrier Testing. Not only do they recognize energy savings, but also the reduction in emissions. Current States that have requirements based on ASHRAE 90.1 are:

  • Washington
  • Oregon
  • California
  • Montana
  • Vermont
  • Massachusetts
  • New Jersey

These States value energy savings and the reduction in emissions.   The #1 benefit to performance testing your air barrier, in these states, is that our testing helps you with code compliance.  Other times that testing is required is when the United States Army Corp of Engineers (USACE) constructs a building.

If you are not required to do an air tightness test, consider the benefits that a performance test can bring.

  1. Our third-party verification will bring confidence that the air barrier you paid for was installed properly.
  2. A whole building air tightness test will prevent problems with undetected air leaks, such as indoor air quality issues.
  3. Call backs are the worst situation for every builder. If your tenants experience comfort issues due to missing insulation, you may regret not having any verification of proper installation using a thermal scan.
  4. Your reputation is on the line. If energy consumption is higher than expected the owner will look to you to verify that the building was properly protected with an adequate air barrier system
  5. There is great demand for affordable housing. The costs of energy is included in the calculation of what is affordable. The easiest way to reduce energy consumption is a properly installed air barrier. 
  6. As Ronald Regan once said “TRUST BUT VERIFY” a 3rd party verification team will give you an unbiased accounting of what is really happening in your building.

Our strategy

What if my Performance Test Reveals Problems?

Every air barrier test starts with a target.  For instance, in Washington State the Washington State Energy Code (WSEC) 2021 for commercial buildings has a target leakage of .25cfm/sq. ft. of the enclosure. In Oregon the target is .40cfm/ft. sq. of the enclosure.  Knowing your target is the 1st step.

If your test reveals leakage higher than the target our verification team will perform several diagnostic tests to help you identify the problems. Our testing team will do a thermal scan to identify missing insulation and air leaks.  We will follow a smoke test to get a good visual of the air movement. Next, we will go room by room to measure pressure differences in several zones.  The combination of these diagnostic tests will usually reveal where you need to focus your improvements.

Lori Sanders - Owner and lead consultant

How Else Can I Use My Air Barrier Verification Test?

Energy star testing

Along with air barrier testing, Energy Incentives can help you qualify for Energy Star designation on your Multifamily projects.  We are certified as Energy Star Multifamily New Construction Verifiers (ESMFNC).  Many builders are seeking 45L tax credits. Either via Energy Star or Zero Energy Ready Homes (ZERH).  Your Air Barrier Test is used as an input in these certifications.  With the demand for affordable housing these verifications programs are in high demand. Don’t let this valuable tax credit go unused.  Contact Energy Incentives, INC to test, verify, and certify the results of your Whole Building Airtightness Test.

Improvements in energy consumption can be made with advanced energy efficient HVAC equipment, but the most cost effective and immediate solution is to focus on a properly installed air barrier.


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